Henderson Livingston Stewart
The law firm of HENDERSON LIVINGSTON STEWART LLP ceased operations on December 31, 2010. Please see the lawyer information below to contact the Henderson Livingston Stewart LLP lawyers who are still in the private practice of law.
Lawyers from Henderson Livingston Stewart LLP
Mary S. Stewart
Mary obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1975. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 1979, and was called to the bar in New Brunswick that same year. Mary then worked for several years as an editor with the Maritime Law Book Publishing Company, subsequently returning to the University of New Brunswick to obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with distinction in 1984.
Mary moved to British Columbia in 1984, and worked briefly with a firm of chartered accountants while studying accounting and tax at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and Institute of Chartered Accountants. Mary joined the firm of Henderson Livingston Stewart LLP, then Stark Christian Henderson, in 1986, and remained with the firm until it ceased operations in December 2010.
Mary's principal areas of practice include estate planning, estate administration, corporate, and non-profit and charitable organizations.
Mary's contact information is as follows:
Mary S. Stewart Law Corporation
280-12340 Horseshoe Way
Richmond, British Columbia
V7A 4Z1
Tel: 604-639-1618
Fax: 604-639-1617
Email: mary@marystewartlaw.ca
Roderick ("Rick") S. Henderson
Rick and his wife, Charmaine, are longtime Richmond residents and raised their three children (now adults and two of them with children of their own), in this wonderful, vibrant community.
Rick's practice concentrates on corporate, commercial and business matters, estate planning and estate administration, as well as trial work related to these matters.
Matthew J. Dwinnell
A Vancouver native, Matt has practiced law in Richmond since 2007. His practice areas include wills and estate planning, estate administration, corporate, commercial and business matters and the negotiation and preparation of family law agreements
Rick and Matt may be contacted at:
Barristers & Solicitors
Riverside Professional Centre
280-11331 Coppersmith Way
Richmond, BC V7A 5J9
Phone: 604-639-5175
Fax: 604-639-5176